
“Our Living Hope is Jesus!”

Pastor Bob will be on an extended Sabbatical regarding the Sunday Worship Services. A time of prayer considering to continue the Sunday Services and praying for God to give him direction as to how to proceed since he and Mariana is moving out of the area.

BIBLE STUDIES virtually with Google Meet live interactive video streaming on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 PM EDT! Please see the Bible Studies tab for the Video Meet Up website links and the Study handouts for each day of the week; Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We are serving the Lord, bringing the Gospel, equipping believers!!!

All Welcome, please join us!

Service Times:

Tuesday Bible Studies – 1 PM EST, 10 AM PST

Thursday Bible Studies – 1 PM EST, 10 AM PST

Our Mission Statement:

“We exist as a Holy Spirit led nondenominational assembly of Christian believers who stand on the Scriptural divinely inspired truth of God’s Word. We desire to equip others through Biblical preaching and teaching in bringing the Gospel to all the world.”
